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Introducing our Scorecard Feature!

Flávia P
Flávia P
  • Updated

About the Scorecard

Scorecard is a new addition to the member profile which will allow members to measure and track their progress and impact in the community. Members can:

  • Track activities they perform in the 10KC platform.

  • Take action on pending activities.

  • Compare their performance with other members.

  • View the impact they have on other members.

  • Track skills and expertise they’ve been recognized in the community for.



Scorecard Breakdown


Members can view:

  • Total number of introductions they have and how their network has grown.

  • Their engagement level for introductions to track their progress compared to other members.

  • Status of recent introductions to track and take action.

  • Compliments they have received from their introductions.

Office Hours

Members can view:

  • Total number and status of Office Hours they have attended.

  • Engagement level for Office Hours attended to track their progress compared to other members.

  • Total number and status of Office Hours they have hosted.

Development Programs

Members can view:

  • Total number and status of Development Programs they have been a part.

  • Their engagement level for Development Programs they are a part of.


How to find your Scorecard

To access this new feature, head to your profile section by clicking your profile picture on the top right corner of your screen.

Have any questions about this feature? Reach out to our Support team at

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