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What is an Office Hour? Overview for Members

Flávia P
Flávia P
  • Updated

👥 Target Audience: Members

Office Hours are group conversations, hosted by leaders and experts within your organization, that are facilitated by the Ten Thousand Coffees platform. Office Hours are a great tool to facilitate one-to-many conversations, as participants can send questions in advance and submit feedback after the session, all directly through the platform.

The type and focus of the Office Hour are up to the host, but these are some common Office Hour types:

  • Career Ask Me Anything: small, informal groups with a leader, where participants can ask about their career journey

  • Leader Updates: larger, one-to-many conversations where a leader can present a topic and answer questions that were sent in advance

  • Leadership Fireside: small, informal groups with a leader to talk about a vision, mission or strategy

  • Recruitment Show ‘n Tell: small, informal groups where a hiring manager meets with a group of applicants to discuss a career opportunity

  • Ask an Expert: small, informal conversations where participants can ask an expert anything and everything on a particular topic

Why should I join an Office Hour?

Office Hours are a great way to connect with leaders and experts within your organization and provide an opportunity to ask specific questions and learn something new. Hosts invite you during Office Hours because they know there is value in what they have to share with you. Join an upcoming Office Hour to learn what that is.

You will receive invitations to Office Hours via email from the Ten Thousand Coffees platform, and in this invite, you will see event details, and also be prompted to ask questions in advance of the Office Hour! The host will receive your questions in advance. Once you sign up for an Office Hour, you can add it to your calendar.

All Office Hours available in a hub can be found in the Office Hours tab on the platform. Each Office Hour has a description and information on the host, the time, and the place it will be hosted.

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