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Overview of 10KC Integrations Suite

Emily B
Emily B
  • Updated

This article gives you an overview of how all of our integrations work together to create a seamless talent experience program for your employees and business.



IT effort

No integration alternative

Email Ensure program adoption and engagement by adding 10KC domains to your email allow list. 0.5 hours N/A
Single-Sign-On Improve access to 10KC by letting employees use existing company credentials. 0.5 hours

Passwordless access via emailed login links

HRIS & Identity Management Systems Eliminate admin work and ensure accurate program outcomes by automating profile creation, deletion, and updates. 3-5 hours Share HRIS or Identity Management export with 10KC on a set frequency, manually.
Calendar Allow members to see their matches’ availabilities and book their calendars from the 10KC platform. 1 hour Members click a link to open their calendar application, where they can book meetings with their match.
Messaging (MS Teams, Slack) Boost program results by sending Introductions and Office Hours notifications in MS Teams or Slack. 1 hour

Notifications are pushed to email

Profile creation

Michaela is hired by CompanyCo. Her HRIS profile gets created and is pushed to 10KC platform. 10KC sends her an email invite to claim her account.

Screenshot 2023-03-23 at 2.37.02 PM.png


Michaela gains access to her 10KC account using SSO and starts receiving personalized development matches via 10KC algorithm.

Screenshot 2023-03-23 at 2.37.11 PM.png


Michaela starts getting notifications for 10KC talent experiences directly in her email, messaging and calendar apps.

Screenshot 2023-03-23 at 2.37.17 PM.png


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