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Set up Guide: Okta SCIM

Emily B
Emily B
  • Updated

Step 1: Create Okta Application

Select "Browse App Catalog" in your Okta Applications page.

A screenshot showing where to find 'Browse App Catalog' button in the Okta dashboard.

Next, search for "SCIM 2.0 Test App (Oauth Bearer Token)" and select the corresponding result.

A screenshot showing search results for 'SCIM 2.0 Test App' in the Okta dashboard.

On the following page, click "Add Integration".

A screnshot showing where to click 'Add Integration' in the SCIM 2.0 Test App (OAuth Bearer Token) overview page in the Okta dashboard.

Give your application a descriptive name such as Ten Thousand Coffees and click Next.

A screenshot showing where to enter application name in the 'Application label' field in the Okta dashboard.

Many applications will work with the default configuration that is set on your new application. If you require any additional configuration for your directory such as configuring Attribute Statements, do so on the Sign-On Options page. Click "Done" to complete creating your application.

A screenshot highlingting 'Done' button in the application configuration page in the Okta dashboard.

Step 2: Configure Okta API Integration

Inside your Enterprise Okta Admin Panel, click on the "Provisioning" tab. Then, click "Configure API Integration".

A screenshot showing where to find the 'Provisioning' tab and 'Configure API Integration' button in the Okta dashboard.

Check "Enable API Integration".

A screenshot showing where to configure the provisioning credentials in the 'Provisioning' tab in the Okta dashboard.

Copy and paste the endpoint into the SCIM 2.0 Base Url field. This will be provided to you by Ten Thousand Coffees via a unique setup link.

Copy and paste the Bearer Token into the OAuth Bearer Token field. This will be provided to you by Ten Thousand Coffees via a unique setup link.

Click "Test API Credentials" and then click "Save".

Step 3: Configure Provisioning Actions

In the "To App" navigation section, click "Edit" and then check to enable the following actions:

  • Create Users

  • Update User Attributes

  • Deactivate Users

A screenshot showing where to enable 'Create Users', 'Update User Attributes', and 'Deactivate Users' actions in the 'To App' tab in the Okta dashboard.

Step 4: Add and map user profile attributes

Start with the required fields, then add recommended fields based on what’s available in your organization’s HRIS system. Each additional field improves matching quality and capabilities.

Follow this guide from Okta on adding user profile attributes. And this guide to map user attributes.


Field Name Example Notes
First name Jane  
Last name Doe  
Management Level

This is mapped to the Role segment
Director Maps to “Role” segment. Example values: Student, Intern, Analyst, Associate, Individual Contributor, Manager, Sr. Manager, Director, Sr. Director, VP, SVP, Executive


Field Name Example Notes
Job title Solutions Engineer  
Business unit Consulting  
Job function Engineering  
People manager status Yes Use only “yes” or “no”
Manager email

To exclude members from matching with managers  


Field Name Example Notes
City, Country, or Office

For matching across geographies

Include this field to specify which members require other languages. English is the default language.
en-US Use only: en-US, fr-CA, es-ES, ko, ja

To deactivate and reactivate profiles for employees that go on leave and come back
active Use only: active, inactive


Step 5: Assign People & Groups to Okta Application

On the "Assignments" tab of your Okta Application click the "Assign" button and select "Assign to People".

A screenshot showing where to select 'Assign to People' in the 'Assignments' tab in the Okta dashboard.
A screenshot showing where to select 'Assign to People' in the 'Assignments' tab in the Okta dashboard.

Find the users that you wish to assign and click the "Assign" button next to them.

A screenshot showing where to select 'Assign' for specific users in the Okta dashboard.
A screenshot showing where to select 'Assign' for specific users in the Okta dashboard.

To complete assigning the users, click "Save and Go Back".

A screenshot showing where to select 'Save and Go Back' to complete user assignment in the Okta dashboard.
A screenshot showing where to select 'Save and Go Back' to complete user assignment in the Okta dashboard.

Step 6: Push Groups

On the "Push Groups" tab of your Okta Application click the "Push Groups" button and select "Find groups by name".

A screenshot showing where to select 'Find groups by name' in the 'Push Groups' tab in the Okta dashboard.
A screenshot showing where to select 'Find groups by name' in the 'Push Groups' tab in the Okta dashboard.

Search for the group that you wish to push, select it and click "Save" to push your group to Ten Thousand Coffees.

A screenshot showing where to search for groups to push in the 'Push Groups' tab in the Okta dashboard.
A screenshot showing where to search for groups to push in the 'Push Groups' tab in the Okta dashboard.

7: Test the SCIM Connection

Ten Thousand Coffees will share testing steps to you via email.























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