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Email Delivery Instructions

Emily B
Emily B
  • Updated

To ensure members can receive emails from the 10KC platform, please follow the steps in this article. 

  1. Add the following to your IT allow lists:

    • Email Domains




    • Mail Sending Domain

    • Dedicated IP Address



  2. Consider if any of the below apply and may compromise email deliverability:

    • Filtering and/or safe lists on the email server (e.g. Brightmail)

    • Filtering and/or safe lists on the email client (e.g. Outlook, Gmail)

    • Email throttling

    • Warning messages or content filters (i.e. Malware protection such as FireEye)

    • Browser Local Storage blocking

    • Propagation delays

    • Google CDN Storage Bucket blocking

    • Email processors that may prevent one-use links from being accessed

    • Email processors that may contribute to email headers being changed (e.g. In-Reply-To)

    • Anti-spam triggers

    • Note: if your users access web services using an AWS VPN there may cause email link resolution issues.

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