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How to create your membership data file for manual import

Emily B
Emily B
  • Updated

Benefits of importing membership files

Importing membership files offers several benefits:

1. Create and manage user profiles. Easily send invites to new members, update existing member profiles, and delete profiles of members that have left your organization.

2. Create meaningful matches. Improve the quality of matches by importing crucial user data.

3. Accurate real-time reporting. Gain up-to-date insights through your data dashboard.

4. Target Office Hours events. Efficiently engage users in Office Hours events and campaigns.

5. Unlock retention analyses. After 3-6 months, you'll have the ability to receive on-demand retention analyses. If interested, you'll need to include all organization members in the membership files that you upload to Ten Thousand Coffees.

File requirements

All files being imported into 10KC Must:

  • Be a .csv file in UTF-8 format
  • Have only one sheet
  • Include a header row which corresponds to a profile field in 10KC

Here is an example .csv file with all required and optional fields listed below.

Required profile fields

Field name

Why it's required

Data spec requirements

First Name

We require this field to invite members to your 10KC hub.

Can be any alpha-numeric string.

Last Name

We require this field to invite members to your 10KC hub.

Can be any alpha-numeric string.

Email Address

We require this field to invite members to your 10KC hub.

Can be any alpha-numeric string.

Unique ID

To rectify reporting issues if a member changes their email address.

Can be any alpha-numeric string.


Additional recommended profile fields (optional)

Field name

Why it's recommended

Data spec requirements

Program Eligibility

So we only invite eligible participants.

We can also potentially use one of the other fields in this list, such as “Business Unit”.

We expect the values “eligible” or “ineligible”


To de-activate profiles for employees that are on leave.

We expect the values “active” or “inactive”. They are case-sensitive.

Job Function, Job Family, or Management Level

For creating relevant matches



Can be any alpha-numeric string. Ideally it’s easy for members to read and understand.

Hire Start Date

For creating relevant matches

We expect the format MM/DD/YYYY.

Business Unit, Supervisor Organization, or Department

For creating relevant matches

Can be any alpha-numeric string. Ideally it’s easy for members to read and understand.


For creating relevant matches

Can be any alpha-numeric string.


For creating relevant matches

Can be any alpha-numeric string.

People Manager Status

For creating relevant matches

We expect “yes” or “no”.

High Potential Status

For creating relevant matches

We expect “yes” or “no”.

Diversity dimensions (e.g. gender, ethnicity, etc)

For creating relevant matches.

Can be any alpha-numeric string.

First Level Supervisor

To provide reporting for 3-4 levels under the CEO

Can be any alpha-numeric string. Ideally it’s easy for members to read and understand.

Second Level Supervisor

To provide reporting for 3-4 levels under the CEO

Can be any alpha-numeric string. Ideally it’s easy for members to read and understand.

Third Level Supervisor

To provide reporting for 3-4 levels under the CEO

Can be any alpha-numeric string. Ideally it’s easy for members to read and understand.


To automatically localize 10KC in the user’s preference in English (US) or French (Canada).

Must be:

  • “en-US” for English (US)

  • “fr-CA” for French (Canada)

Most Recent Role Start Date

To enable mobility analyses

We expect the format MM/DD/YYYY

Role Reason Change Code

To enable mobility analyses

Can be any alpha-numeric string.

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