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Your Mentoring Toolkit

Becca P
Becca P
  • Updated

What is mentoring?

Mentoring is an active and collaborative relationship where a mentor acts as a role model, listening to their mentee and sharing their professional experiences in a way that benefits both parties.

We can all agree — the best way to learn is through experience. But, does it always have to be your experience? Learning from others can be just as valuable and reduces trial and error time. This is why one of the most powerful things you can do for your career is to engage in mentoring.

As a part of this mentoring experience, you’ve taken the first step to unlocking the benefits of this relationship.

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Why Mentoring is Important

Let’s face it, mentoring can be time-consuming. With many competing priorities, it can be challenging to set aside the time. Many people see mentoring as something that primarily benefits mentees. But this isn’t the case! Investing time in mentoring also has many benefits for the organization and the mentor as well.

The Benefits

Screenshot 2023-09-18 at 2.53.25 PM.png The Company

  • Demonstrates a commitment to career advancement at all levels
  • Talent development and retention
  • Leadership readiness and succession planning
  • Creates a supportive culture of inclusion and equity

Screenshot 2023-09-18 at 2.54.57 PM.png All participants

  • Personal growth and career advancement
  • Professional skill development
  • Learn new perspectives
  • Network and relationship building
  • Increase career satisfaction and mental well-being

Screenshot 2023-09-18 at 2.58.30 PM.png Mentors

  • Enhance coaching and leadership competencies such as delivering feedback and asking powerful questions
  • Chance to share your knowledge and experiences
  • Exposure to a broader network of talent within the organization
  • Contribution to the future of the organization by investing time in high-potential talent

Screenshot 2023-09-18 at 3.01.31 PM.png Mentees

  • Receive practical advice, encouragement, and support from someone who’s not their direct supervisor
  • Learn from the career experience of the mentor
  • Increase self-awareness and goal-setting to overcome barriers and obstacles in their career path
  • Improved job satisfaction, enhanced skill development, and broader career advancement opportunities

Keep in mind that this is only a snapshot of the many benefits of mentoring. You’ll discover more for yourself as your relationship progresses. If things get busy and finding time to prepare gets difficult, revisit these benefits and focus on those that stand out to you. This will make it easier to invest that time each week.

Key differences between managers, coaches, sponsors and mentors

You may be wondering what the difference is between a mentor and other influential relationships such as your manager, a coach, or sponsor.

An easy way to remember it is a manager tells you, a coach talks to you, a sponsor talks about you, and a mentor talks with you.

Each relationship has a slightly different goal and structure. The following table outlines more about each one and what it means for you.

  Manager Coach Sponsor Mentor
Has the goal of... Meeting company and departmental objectives Developing specific skills related to your career Providing you access to career opportunities Your overall professional development
This is achieved by... Setting expectations and providing the tools for you to do your job well, regularly assessing your performance Providing performance based feedback and advice in a structured way Assessing your skills and abilities to provide you with visibility, leveraging their network and influence Sharing their knowledge and experiences, helping you identify and develop your skills and goals to grow your career
Who are they? Experienced in managing people and/or your job function Skilled and trained to promote this skill development in others Senior leader in your operating environment with significant influence Experienced in areas where you wish to learn from
Relationship structure Top-down: The manager sits higher in the organization’s hierarchy One-sided: Benefits the person being coached Primarily onesided: Benefits the person being sponsored, sponsor can be recognized for identifying highpotential talent Two-sided: Mentors share their experience and advice, mentees share new ideas and perspectives

What does success look like for this experience?

The more you put into mentoring, the more you’ll get out of it.

At the end of this experience, you and your mentor or mentee will have built a strong relationship. You’ll have moved past getting to know each other, built trust and rapport, and shown accountability. This will have set the stage for meaningful conversations that got below the surface and helped you both uncover opportunities for personal and professional growth.

You’ll help each other set attainable development goals and come up with ways to work towards them. Achieving or making progress towards these will bring a sense of satisfaction, empowering you to reach the next step in your career journey.

What’s more, if you complete at least 80% of the milestones by the end of the experience, you’ll each receive a certificate of completion to recognize your achievement and use towards your professional development plan.


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How to get there

While it takes work to successfully complete this experience, it doesn’t have to be difficult. We’ve helped get you started by setting up your pairing, discussion topics, and the intervals for your meetings. You’ll also get helpful resources to help you prepare for each conversation.

Before diving into your discussions, take some time to align on your expectations from each other. Doing this upfront will start you off on the same page and help avoid problems down the road. Consider the three expectations described below as a guide for this conversation.

Expectations of mentors and mentees

Screenshot 2023-09-18 at 3.07.20 PM.png Confidentiality
Assure each other that the personal stories and aspirations you share will remain private.
Screenshot 2023-09-18 at 3.07.26 PM.png Mutual respect
Value each other’s time, opinions, and advice. Show up to each meeting on time, ready to participate and listen. Avoid repeated, last minute cancellations and share thoughtful feedback that’s constructive and not over-critical.
Screenshot 2023-09-18 at 3.07.30 PM.png Psychological Safety
This is the belief that you won’t face embarrassment, rejection, or punishment for speaking up. You both play a role creating an environment where you feel safe to share your opinions and ideas.

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