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Membership file import history

Omar G
Omar G
  • Updated

The Membership File Import History page provides a straightforward way for tenant admins to manage their membership data. Here's what you can do:

  • Review previous imports. Access a comprehensive list of all prior membership file imports, which includes a record of all bulk profile actions that received approval.
  • Resume an "in-progress" import. Easily resume the latest file import. This feature is available to all tenant admins.

Review previous imports

To find import history, navigate to the “Manage Member” section under your Tenant Settings.

On this page you can do the following:

  • Click on the file name to effortlessly download the membership file that was imported.
  • See who uploaded the file
  • See the date the file was uploaded
  • See the date the import was last updated
  • See the status of each import


Import statuses

Import status lets you easily track the progress of each import. 

Status Definition Action
In-progress When you initiate the upload of a new membership file, it will have an "in-progress" status until you complete the process. You have the option to resume an "in-progress" import at any time.
Incomplete After uploading a new membership file, any previously "in-progress" files will switch to an "incomplete" status. This prevents multiple imports from occurring simultaneously. You can "view" the previous import, but only up to the step you completed. No further action is possible.
Complete Once you successfully complete an import, the status will change to "Complete." You can "view" the bulk profile actions that you approved as part of the completed import.




Resume an "in-progress" import

Resuming an unfinished import is hassle-free. Here's how to do it:

1. Notification Banner

If you have an incomplete import, you'll receive a notification banner to alert you.

2. Click on "Resume"

Under the "Action" column, simply click on "Resume."

3. Continue Where You Left Off

This action will take you directly to the current step in the import process that requires your attention.
We've designed this process to be seamless and user-friendly, ensuring you can effortlessly pick up where you left off in the import process.



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