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10KC Networking Tracker

Becky L
Becky L
  • Updated

This article will help you get started and stay on top of all your networking activities; keep track of important contact information and maintain authentic business connections. Below is a document you can download to help get started. 

Why should I be networking?  

  • One recent survey of 3,000 job seekers found that 85% of jobs are found through networking, not through online search and application... so balance your time accordingly. 
  • Try to network with people from companies you’re interested in, even when no jobs are available (you gain a lot of knowledge and insight as well as new relationships by going on informational coffees that will pay off if future roles come up!)
  • Remember the science of career search: people who are proactive in their career search - such as reaching out to companies even when no jobs are posted - are 6x more likely to get a job! 

Who should I be networking with?

  • Start by reaching out to people in your own direct network - think of your family, friends, past classmates/colleagues and your 10KC connections. 
  • Expand your network by asking your direct connections to introduce you to people in their network.
  • Feeling stuck? Reach out to people with different types of roles that align with the experience and expertise you need to build.

Information that should be included in your tracker

  • Name of the contact
  • Their email
  • Their phone number (if applicable)
  • Their job title
  • Their company
  • The reason you connected with them
  • How you met
  • The date of your first meeting
  • Did you send a thank you message (Y/N)
  • Key takeaways/action items/reminders
  • Date of follow-up on action item (if applicable)
  • The date of your second meeting
  • Did you send a thank you message for second meeting (Y/N)
  • Key takeaways/action items/reminders from second meeting
  • Date of follow-up on action item from second meeting (if applicable)

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