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How to Edit your Introductions Preferences

Flávia P
Flávia P
  • Updated

👥 Target Audience: Hub Members

This guide will walk you through editing your Introductions selections and preferences. By taking control of your settings, you can refine your matches and limit introductions to those who best align with your goals.

Editing Selections

Choose who you want to connect with based on factors like Role, Region, and other relevant hub segments.

  1. Go to the Introductions page in the left-side menu.
  2. On the right, find the "About Your Introductions" section and click Edit Selections under "🔮 Who you will get intros to".
  3. Select the categories of people you want to connect with by clicking on them. You won't get matched with people in unchecked categories.
  4. Click Save.

Editing Preferences

Fine-tune your Introductions experience by updating your Segments, Goals, and Interests.

  1. Navigate to the Introductions page in the left-side menu.
  2. On the right, find the "About Your Introductions" section and click Edit Preferences.
  3. You'll be taken to your profile page. Click Edit next to Segments, Goals, or Interests to change those preferences.
  4. In the pop-up window, make your adjustments and click Done.

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