Opening (5 minutes)
- Welcome and Introductions: "Welcome, everyone! Today, we're diving into the exciting world of leadership in constantly changing environments. Change is the only constant, right? We'll be sharing experiences and practical tips to navigate it successfully."
- Quick Poll: "Before we start, let's get a feel for the room. By a show of hands, how many of you have felt like your leadership style needed to shift gears due to unexpected changes?" (Host briefly acknowledges the responses)
Discussion (25 minutes)
- Roundtable Share: Change Moments: "Let's go around and briefly share one time you faced a major change at work. Don't worry about details – just focus on how it felt and what your gut reaction was." (Host starts, sharing their own quick example)
- Types of Change Brainstorm: "Now, let's think about the kinds of changes we face. Shout them out! Technology shifts? New bosses? Economic swings?" (Host writes responses on a flip chart or whiteboard)
- Leadership Style Match-Up: "We all have our own leadership 'go-to's.' When those changes hit, do we stick with what we know, or try something new? I'll name some styles, you give me a thumbs up if you've tried it, thumbs down if not." (Host lists: Coaching, Directing, Cheerleading, etc.)
- Adaptability Challenge: "Here's the tricky part: matching the right style to the right change. Let's brainstorm! If your team is freaking out due to a new system, what leadership style might help most?" (Encourage group discussion, build on each other's ideas)
- Resilience Toolkit: "How do we stay strong when things are shaky? Anyone have a go-to stress buster, or a way to keep your team motivated?" (Encourage sharing practical tips)
Closing (10 minutes)
- Aha! Moment Sharing: "What's one new idea or insight you're taking away from today?" (Go around the group, each person shares briefly)
- Action Step Challenge: "Let's get real. Think of one small change you could make to your leadership approach. It could be tiny – like trying out a new communication tactic next time things get hectic."
- Resource Round-Up: (Optional) "I've got a few articles/podcasts on this topic if anyone's interested. Just let me know after."
Key Considerations:
- Host Role: The host is more of a facilitator, guiding conversation, asking open-ended questions, and summarizing key points. Expertise is less important than enthusiasm and ability to keep things moving.
- Visuals: Simple visuals like a flip chart can help capture ideas and make it more interactive.
- Time Management: Be flexible! Some discussions might get more lively than others. The goal is engagement, not rigid adherence to the clock.
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