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Use your browser to translate Ten Thousand Coffees to any language

Emily B
Emily B

Here's how you can translate Ten Thousand Coffees using your browser's settings:

How to translate Ten Thousand Coffees using Google Chrome

Step 1: Right-click anywhere and click "Translate to...". The default target language is your browser's default language.

Translate 10KC using Chrome Step 1

Step 2: Click the "Google Translate" icon in the address bar to expand the translation options.

Translate 10KC using Chrome Step 2

Step 3: Click the "Choose Another Language" to add more language options.

Translate 10KC using Chrome Step 3

Step 4: Choose any language from Google Translate options.

Translate 10KC using Chrome Step 4

Step 5: You're all set šŸ„³ Ten Thousand Coffees should now be translated to your desired language.

Translate 10KC using Chrome Step 5


How to translate Ten Thousand Coffees using Microsoft Edge

Step 1: Right-click anywhere and click "Translate to...". The default target language is your browser's default language.

Translate 10KC using Edge Step 1

Step 2: Click the "Translate" icon in the address bar to expand the translation options and choose your desired language.

Step 3: You're all set šŸ„³ Ten Thousand Coffees should now be translated to your desired language.

Other translation options

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