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Helpful Mentoring Email Templates for Mentees (in Group Mentoring)

Elan Schwartz
Elan Schwartz
  • Updated

At 10KC, our goal is to make mentoring as easy as possible. Below you'll find helpful email templates you can use to reach out to your match. 

Feel free to copy and paste these templates into your email. Be sure to replace text in the brackets with relevant information and make any necessary edits.

Lastly, you don’t have to use this template for your communications, but this is meant to provide you with a starting point. Feel free to make it your own!

Introductory email

Subject line options:
Thank you for agreeing to be my mentor
Looking forward to our first mentoring meeting
Mentoring experience: Introduction and scheduling information
Looking forward to meeting you, (mentor’s name)
Hello from (enter your name), part of your mentee group

Hi (enter your mentor’s name),

My name is (enter your name), and we were matched through the (enter your company’s name) Group Mentoring experience on Ten Thousand Coffees. Thank you for volunteering your time to help support my career journey as my mentor. I am looking forward to meeting with you and the other mentees and learning from your career experience.

I recently saw/read (enter a company initiative your mentor was involved with or career highlight from their profile) and was impressed with (enter the reason this makes you excited for them to be your mentor).

(Optional: Example for establishing common ground) I noticed from your LinkedIn profile that you graduated from (enter school name). I also went to (enter school name) and studied (enter your education)(Include something noteworthy about your time at the school here)

I’m currently a (enter your role) and I would really like to (briefly, describe the main goal you would like your mentor to help you with). Based on your experience (enter something specific about your mentor’s experience that you would like to learn from), I’m sure I will be able to learn a lot from you about this.

My contact information is (enter your work number, if you are ok with receiving calls, or simply enter your email address).

Thank you again for being my mentor!

(enter your name and/or email signature)

Follow-up email

Subject line options
Following up on our discussion on (topic)
Thank you for the great conversation today
Mentoring experience: Thank you and next steps
Great speaking with you today! Looking forward to next steps


Hello (enter your mentor's name),

It was great meeting you today! Thank you for the enlightening conversation about (topic). I really appreciated hearing about your experience with (enter 1-2 things you talked about and why they are relevant to your career development journey).

I am looking forward to (enter 1-2 key takeaways that you will apply and/or any action items you have aligned on during your conversation).

(Here is an opportunity to ask for clarification on any points that were discussed, if required))

During our next session, we’ll be discussing (enter the topic and any relevant information about what you may like to discuss).

See you on (enter the date and time of your next meeting)!

Best wishes, 

(enter your name and/or email signature)

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