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Safety at Ten Thousand Coffees

Emily B
Emily B
  • Updated
Best practices for safe connections through Ten Thousand Coffees.

While the vast majority of new connections made through Ten Thousand Coffees are positive, it is always important to be aware and to practise good safety when meeting with new people.

We recommend taking the following precautions when connecting with new people through Ten Thousand Coffees:

  • Do not give out personal or banking information (e.g. social insurance number, bank account number) over the Internet.

  • When meeting someone in-person, always let a friend or colleague know where you are going, who you are meeting, and when you expect to return.

  • When meeting someone in person, choose a well-lit, public area.

  • Carry a mobile phone with you in case of emergencies.

  • Inform Ten Thousand Coffees of any attempted fraud, deception, harassment and any other negative or illegal behaviour by contacting us at

For more information please visit TEN THOUSAND COFFEES TERMS OF SERVICE and Ten Thousand Coffees Privacy Policy

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