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How to Promote an Office Hour event

Flávia P
Flávia P
  • Updated

👥 Target: Admins

Office Hours event announcements are automatically sent to your target audience upon publishing. You can easily promote the event later to include the same members or reach a wider group.

Promoting an Office Hour event

  1. Go to the Office Hours tab in the left-side menu.
  2. Find your event and click the three dots button  more-vert.png  in the right side of its title.
  3. Select Edit.
  4. In the Target audience section, choose your desired audience:
    • All Members in your Hub: Share with everyone in the hub.
    • Members who have registered: Share with members who RSVP'd.
    • Office Hour Host: Share with the event's Host.
    • Email: Share with specific email addresses.
    • 10KC Profile Attributes: Target specific members using attributes like role, location, or interests.
  5. Click Publish Event.

This will send an email notification about the Office Hours event to your newly selected audience.
You can repeat this process to promote your event to different audiences as needed.

Promoting an Office Hour event to Non-members

You can promote your event to non-members using an event registration link. This link allows easy registration for those who don't yet have a Ten Thousand Coffees account.

 ❗️Important: Event links can only be generated for hubs that are not invite-only.

  1. Go to the Office Hours tab in the left-side menu.
  2. Click on your event title.
  3. Under Share event registration link on the right, click Generate an event link.
  4. Click Copy Link and share as needed.

❌ To Revoke Access: Click Revoke share link (located below Copy Link).

Creating an Office Hour event without notifying members

You can choose to publish your Office Hours event without sending email notifications. To do this, simply leave the Target audience section blank. Your event will be visible on the Office Hours page.

⭐️ Pro Tip: To make changes to a published Office Hours event discreetly, remove any selected Target audience and click Publish Event. This prevents additional email notifications.


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